Our Passion
Our Mission
Our Focus
Meet our Team

Jacqueline Sutherland. MD, Tawa Labs
Ask Jacqui Sutherland what drives her, and her answer will be simply ‘people,’ and their total wellbeing. After decades working in the media industry, she was able to pinpoint enduring and common themes of magazines and publications. People sought solutions to life’s problems and central to this was mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing and the media responded.
Early in her adulthood, her interest in wellness led to her choosing overlapping degree paths, that of drama which she loved for its reflection of real life, psychology, and English (to enhance communication) as majors. But these pathways provided few answers for her desire to champion meaningful relationships, health, general wellbeing, and relationships. The birth and success of TAWA LABS in which she could deliver complete wellness offerings became her preferred passion and life’s purpose. To this she coupled further unique skills; her parallel career as an artist, which she has pursued for twenty years.
These skills can be seen in the striking packaging she has designed, which places TAWA LABS in a luxury product niche.
Jacqui joined up with JASMAR and CEO Steve Trollip, who already enjoyed a 20-year reputation for quality products. JASMAR today is positioned as a reliable manufacturer and supplier of curated essential products for the hospitality and wellness industry. This provided opportunities for Jacqui’s vision.
As a subsidiary to JASMAR, she and her partners were able to leverage benchmarked service and products creating a platform for an exclusive niche message: ‘A life refined.’ A range of premium imported collagen supplements, tried and tested in discerning countries around the world, opened the doors to leading clients in the hospitality and wellness industry. Client were enamoured of the TAWA LABS product promises and sophisticated packing, which filled a unique luxury brand category. Jacqui then helped to drive a second range of premium products: a rare offering of crystal essential oils, of equal standard which consolidated the brand and high-level customer base.
Today Jacqui gives sought after, impassioned talks and training to iconic, and award-winning service providers in the wellness industry in South Africa. Her innovation of a supportive platform for scientific information and debate around wellness, led by world experts, has added gravitas to her vision.
Steve Trollip, Director
Steve Trollip is uniquely positioned to innovate, expand, and benchmark the homecare, personal care, luxury brand and Spa market. Armed with a BSc Engineering (Wits) Steve has successfully equipped his company for product development and the rigors of the manufacturing industry. Essential infrastructure followed.
His career direction was shaped by his early involvement with 3M Pty (Ltd) as the manufacturer and National Distributor of the Scotchgard™ range of products. He saw opportunities to contribute meaningfully to growing market sectors and consumer needs.
Market disruption, a millennium phenomenon, did not escape Steve’s attention. Scientific discoveries drove rapid trend change in product innovation, brand recognition and purchasing habits. Consumers were king. Scrutinising labels, they became more discerning, informed and demanding of quality.
Steve responded. With a growing reputation for expert knowledge, delivery and ethics, the year 2000 was a pivotal point. It provided opportunities to manufacture a much-lauded range of products for the personal care and Spa industries which has continued to this day.
Realising how much he savoured the coupling of authentic science with health and overall well-being, the early seeds of Tawa Labs were sown.
Steve then researched formulas which became the differentiators of premium and luxury brands. These formulas remain the signature of the Tawa Lab product range today.
He continues to monitor and pre-empt trends in this fast-growing market sector. Well timed launches of essential products have created market leaders.
Steve is trusted. Clients seeking certainty with a supplier, up to date knowledge, specialised, trademarkable products and formulas, has helped him to become a go-to man. Industries, home business owners, inventors, marketers, and entrepreneurs seek his wisdom and expertise in developing their niche markets.
Steve understands the global village principle. His motto is ‘to place Africa on the map first.’ He draws on indigenous knowledge and the vast bio contributions of the continent to personal care.
His strength lies in monitoring global scientific discoveries to help him drive formula perfection. This remains linked to his first love – the wellbeing of Southern African communities.
Steve’s systems thinking and engineering background enabled a well-equipped and trusted laboratory: the foundation of all product excellence and service delivery. It has remained the spine for his entry into the competitive personal care industry.
A quest for new innovative concepts, created and curated locally, was the final push needed for Tawa Labs to start commanding market share. Steve is driven by benchmarked solutions. This underlies the Tawa Labs culture. You – the customer, are in safe hands.

Dr Denise Bjorkman
Dr Denise Bjorkman is one of the regular expert contributors to our education platform, providing insight into personalised medicine, longevity, mental and physical health, integrative nutrition, body language and neuroscience.
She is CEO of the Neuro Business Institute, the founder of the SA Council of Coaches and Mentors and one of the leading global authorities on human body language. She has combined life careers as an educator in diverse fields. As a seasoned personal coach, author, legal scholar, neuro-wellness advisor, DNA profiler, broadcaster, and socio-political scientist, her expert consultant services have been used globally.
Her clients have included 4 heads of state, diplomats, corporate executive boards, the wellness industry, management, parents, and individuals in 16 countries for 40 years. She was described by Heidi Holland of the Sunday Times as one of the leading speakers in the country. As an opinion leader she has been a regular media commentator and much cited opinion leader for the mass media: British, European, USand local press, leading magazines, the BBC, SKY, ABC, ITN, Al Jazeera, ENCA, SABC and CNN. Topics of interviews include personality profiling, health, elections, body language and major criminal trials.
She served as a consultant to CODESA as a researcher, writer of key note addresses, advisor and as a contributor to the Media Advisory Committee, Gender Advisory Commission and the Multi-party Talks. She had her own TV programme on animal versus human body language and has featured prominently on hundreds of television and radio programs over her lifetime.
Her special interests reside in women’s development globally in which she has played a significant role for hundreds of aspirant high achievers in the political, multinational corporations and institute space. Working with multi-disciplinary teams in partnership with neuroscience gurus of Pretoria University and their research laboratory, she has helped to make major inroads into ‘brain potential’ of children, women and people seeking higher levels of performance.
Managing the toxic effects of the digital environment and social media on the human brain (without disputing its benefits)forms part of current studies. She has been described as a global authority on why touch and the skin play a critical role for mental health, wholesome children’s development, survival, longevity, a happy sex life, memory, and a boosted immune system – particularly now in times of and despite of COVID.
She therefore has a particular interest in the irrefutable role of the aesthetic industry with all its dedicated personnel and services, to help sustain physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health.